It's been quite a while since I have posted anything, but I have been really busy with my sweet little boy! My beautiful baby, to whom I'll refer as Sidekick, decided to arrive exactly one week early much to everyone's surprise. I actually always thought he would be born on July 7th, so when water trickled down my leg on the morning of the 7th, I was kind of in disbelief. I finally decided to go to Labor and Delivery about four hours later just to get checked because I had plans that night, and I wanted peace of mind that I was not in labor. I grabbed my suitcase, threw it in the car, and drove myself to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital, the doctor couldn't confirm if my water broke, so I was a little embarrassed that I may have actually pee'd on myself. They kept me though because I was dilated to two centimeters when I was only one centimeter two days earlier. They wanted me to walk the halls, and about ten minutes in, there was a big gush! Yep! My water broke... again! I was there to stay to deliver my baby. (Looking back, the doctor did confirm that that trickle down my leg was in fact my water.) I truly believe that the massage, focusing on the trigger points, got this little guy going. Two days prior to my water breaking, I was still one centimeter dilated, and I had been that way for many, many weeks! There was no sign this baby was going to join the world on his own. A day after my weekly appointment, I got the massage, and my water broke 15 hours later. Coincidence... I think not! : )
After laboring for hours, it was discovered that I had another bubble of fluid that needed to be broken, so my water essentially broke three times. Once that bubble of fluid was broken, the pain and contractions were so intense that I got my epidural. After 21 hours of being in labor, I began pushing at 6:30 AM and Sidekick was born on July 8th at 8:48 AM weighing in at 8# 9 oz and was 21 inches long. I was instantly in love, and I was so worried that I wouldn't feel an immediate connection with him.
Since I used a sperm donor, there was no telling what my baby would end up looking like, but he truly is beautiful! Donor and I made such an amazing baby, and I am truly blessed.
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