Last Saturday, I took an unexpected trip to Labor & Delivery. After six+ hours of my stomach being super tight and not really loosening up, my mom encouraged me to call the doctor to run it by him/her (whoever was on call). The doctor called me back and told me that I should go in and get checked. I put my suitcase in the car and drove myself over. My tour was scheduled for two days later, so I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go. I made it to some type of area that looked like for people like me, and said to she woman behind the desk, "I'm not sure I'm in the right place." She looked at me, and said, "Well, you definitely fit in here. What's going on?"
I got to a room quickly and hooked up to monitors. I explained that I had no intention of staying that night because I wasn't mentally ready for this little guy. I learned that I was contracting regularly every three minutes. Yikes! I was 1 cm dialated and about 30% effaced, so they kept me for a while to see if I would progress anymore. I hadn't, so I was eventually sent home still contracting every three minutes because I wasn't in severe pain.
This little guy has been crazy active! He seems to be constantly kicking and/or punching me. I'm afraid he has turned into a cat napper which is not a good thing. I want/need a good sleeper. He already has a plan of his own. I'll be 38 weeks on Sunday, so who knows when he'll enter the world. I'm thinking that he has his own agenda and will be entering this world before his due date. I can't believe how fast time has flown!
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